MEL Seminar Series

Dr Ciara keating

Dr. Keating is not only an alum of the MEL lab, but also a distinguished post doctoral researcher at the University of Glasgow. She works on topics spanning wastewater treatment and microplastics, to soil and fish microbiomes. Ciara gave a beautiful presentation titled "Drivers of microbial community dynamics in complex environments: wastewater, the gut and soils". Good luck with all the fabulous work, Ciara!

Dr Umer Zeeshan Ijaz

Dr. Ijaz is a reader in computational sciences at the University of Glasgow where he heads the Environmental 'Omics lab. Umer is one of our favorite collaborators and joined us for a talk titled, "Understanding microbial communities through in situ 'omics data synthesis". Thanks, Umer!

Dr Paul Smith

Paul is currently a Post Doctoral resarcher at Teagasc and joined us for a compelling talk titled, "Understanding the drivers of rumen ecology". Pauls work on the rumen microbiome is both cutting edge and timely! Wishing you the best, Paul! 

Dr Javier Ramiro garcia

Javier joined us for an insightful talk into his current research using RNA-seq to unravel the complex interactions in anaerobic microbiomes. Good luck with it, Javi!

Prof Anuska Mosquera

Professor Mosquera is an associate professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) since 2007. PhD. in Chemical Sciences from the USC in 1998 focused on the nitrogen removal from industrial effluents. Thank you for joining us!

Dr David kelleghan

David was our first guest speaker and joined us for a talk titled "Ammonia - Effects of an Agricultural Pollutant in Ireland". He was a Post Doc in UCD and Teagasc but has recently moved to the EPA heading up the Ammonia Emissions Monitoring Network within Ireland. Thanks for joining us, David!